Program ESP32-CAM using Arduino UNO


Here, we will discuss how to program ESP32-CAM using Arduino UNO. I will not use any FTDI or other USB to TTL converter to program the esp32 camera module. Here I have used only ESP32CAM Arduino UNO.

esp32-cam arduino UNO pic 1

Circuit of ESP32CAM Arduino

esp32cam arduino circuit

As you can see, we can easily connect the ESP32-CAM module with Arduino UNO to upload code from Arduino IDE.

ESP32CAM Arduino UNO connection:

ESP32CAM Arduino UNO
GPIO-0 –> GND Reset –> GND
esp32cam connection

Arduino IDE setup for ESP32-CAM

Arduino IDE setup

Before uploading the code to ESP32-CAM module, please check the following setting:

  • Update the Preferences –> Aditional boards Manager URLs:,
  • Board Settings:
    • Board: “ESP32 Wrover Module”
    • Flash Mode: “QIO”
    • Partition Scheme: “Hue APP (3MB No OTA/1MB SPIFFS)”
    • Flash Frequency: “40MHz”
    • Upload Speed: “115200”
    • Core Debug Level: “None”
    • Programmer: “AVR ISP”
  • COM Port: Depends On Your System
  • GPIO 0 must be connected to GND pin while uploading the sketch
  • After connecting GPIO 0 to GND pin, press ESP32 CAM on-board RESET button to put the board in the flashing mode

After uploading the code disconnect the GPIO-0 pin from GND pin.

get esp32cam IP

Now to get the IP address of ESP32 camera module:

  • Open Serial Monitor
  • Set the Baud rate to 115200
  • Press the ESP32 CAM on-board RESET button

Now you can copy the IP address and paste it to any browser to start the video streaming.

esp32cam video streaming pic 2

Tutorial video:

Connection Error

If you follow all he steps then you should not get any connection error while uploading the code to esp23cam.

ESP32-CAM program error

But still if you get any connection error then disconnect the Arduino from ESP32CAM and try again.

It may take more than 1 minute to upload the complete code to esp32cam using Arduino UNO.

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